How ShibaQuiz Works

Step 1: Sign Up

Sign up for a ShibaQuiz account by clicking the “Register” link at the top right of the page or the “Join Shiba Quiz” button below. Fill out the registration form with your name, email, username, and password, then click “Register”. Congratulations, you’ve just earned 10,000 Shiba Tokens as a welcome bonus!

Step 2: Start Reading

Dive into our expansive range of compelling stories across a wide array of topics. Whether you’re a science enthusiast, a history buff, or a lover of literature, there’s something for everyone.

Step 3: Take Quizzes

Test your understanding of what you’ve read by taking our interactive quizzes. Each quiz is designed based on the stories you read, making learning fun and engaging.

Step 4: Earn & Burn

For every correct answer, you earn Shiba Tokens. Simultaneously, we burn an equivalent amount of tokens from the overall supply, contributing to the potential rise of Shiba Inu value. More details about our points system can be found on our Point Types page.

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